This page contains descriptions of how to perform various tasks on the CleanEntries website. Just click on one of the items below to get detailed instructions and screenshots.

How To Create a New Account

First thing you should do is check to see if you already have an account setup for you. To do that please look at the instructions below under the topic "How to Find Your Username".
If your name was not found in the system then please click the link in the upper right hand corner of the screen to create a new account.
view screenshot
On the next screen you are prompted for your personal information. Please enter all of the information on this page.
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The fields that are in bold print are required.
  • at the top please select whether you are registering as an athlete or as a coach
  • enter the information you would like to use for your account. This is the information that you will use to login to the site. All fields are required.
  • enter your personal information. The fields which are bolded are required. These fields help us to identify you when you register for a meet.
After entering in all of your information please click the "Create" button at the bottom of the page.
You should then see the activation code screen. Once you get here please follow the instructions below for activating your account.
view screenshot

How To Login to the CleanEntries website

Click the "Login" link in the upper right corner of the page. This will take you to the login screen.
view screenshot
On the login screen please enter your username and password and click the Login button. If you have forgotten your username or password there are links on this page that you can click which will help you find your username or password.
view screenshot

Why do I need to logon

Coming soon ...

How To Find Your Username

Coming soon ...

How To Find your Password

Coming soon ...
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